
Use your education, skills, and talents to transform lives in Muslim communities as you pursue God’s calling on your life.

When you join a 6-week internship or go on a short-term mission trip with Frontiers, you’ll gain real-world experience and be immersed in the daily lives of Muslims. We’ll set you up with the tools you need on the field—and the ones you’ll need to get there.

View upcoming trips and internships below, or contact us to learn about custom opportunities that fit your schedule and interests.

India Short Term

Summer 2025

This trip is for Certificated students of the Spring 2025 Rancho Cordova Perspectives Class.  Those who attended will be allowed to sign up to the two week trip to visit India, a specific unengaged area where there are few to none believers engaging the Muslim population.  We will spend two weeks exploring this city, using what we have learned from the class to ponder entry strategies, business strategies, ministry strategies and church partnership possibilities.  As one of the Perspectives Courses' project's is to "Mobilize a church" doing that in an unengaged, unreached area would be exactly the point of the course!!.  


We are happy to answer all questions you may have.

  • If you would like to become a member or partner, email us with that request.
  • If you are a pastor and want to join, we'd love to help partner with you.
Every second Thursday of each month.  

Check out our Calendar of events
Contact Information
Call: 916-305-2603


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“Nothing drives your point home like a glowing testimonial from someone who is passionate about your brand.”

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“Nothing drives your point home like a glowing testimonial from someone who is passionate about your brand.”

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